Blind Hog and Acorn
Come visit the farm with Blind Hog and Acorn and hear stories about life on the farm, livestock, cooking, gardening and living in the Ozarks. In the middle of freakin' nowhere...
217 episodes
Season 56, Episode #38~ Fall is here...
The farm only received 0.11" of rain from Helene- just a wee fraction of what our friends and family to the east received.Grading blade pivot has been repaired and is fancy shmancy- Miss Massey is running like a top again!Acorn ...
Season 5
Episode 38
Season 5, Episode #37~ Back to Chores...
Just one week back and chores are being completed- from replacing a yard hydrant, getting the 6' blade fixed, cleaning up in the garden and snipping a fingertip- Blind Hog and Acorn have been busy!The box blade Blind Hog bought himself ...
Season 5
Episode 37
Season 5, Episode #36~ Ice Ice, Baby...
Blind Hog and Acorn are back from the 10 day trip to Iceland- what an adventure it was!Waterfalls, basalt columns, crazy wind and weather, lovely people. You can check out photos on the Blind Hog and Acorn website- just look under...
Season 5
Episode 36
Season 5, Episode #34~ Packed and Almost Loaded...
Yup- September is almost here and time for the Blind Hog and Acorn to head out on an adventure... This year? ICELAND!Blind Hog is going along for the ride but Acorn is most excited... Chores are gettig done, house clea...
Season 5
Episode 34
Season 5, Episode #33~ Acorn, RN Paralegal and Tire Changer...
Acorn got back from an unexpected trip to Texas, leaving Blind Hog to man the conn. Seems like the farm did well under his watch and in Texas, ol' Frank is hanging in there- best as a 96 yr old can...Back on the farm for a week of...
Season 5
Episode 33
Season 5, Episode #32~ All Hail Capuchin Mechanic!
Acorn did it at last! The Massey Ferguson tractor is running again! The last trick was discovering the micro inline gas filter that was hidden in the 90-degree connection from fuel line to carburetor. Voila!Farm finall...
Season 5
Episode 32
Season 5, Episode #31~ "Sleeping In..."
Blind Hog and Acorn forgot to record the podcast yesterday, remembering once they got in bed for the night. Pffff... It happens.Busy week with garage door seal strip repairs, purchasing Savanna goat kids from friends, and vi...
Season 5
Episode 31
Season 5, Episode #30~ Unexpected Trip and a Tree Comes Down
Acorn had to fly the coop last week when her Momma went to hospital. Was scary for a bit, but the Queen Mum is a fighter. Expected full recovery!Acorn got back in time to watch a huge double-trunked walnut be removed f...
Season 5
Episode 30
Season 5, Episode #29~ Chicken Yard (almost) Completed
Yup- the new and improved chicken yard is up, complete with chicken wire reinforcement and electric strings on the top. Soon, a single run of electric will be run on the lower outside to further deter climbing varmints. The pounding of t-...
Season 5
Episode 29
Season 5, Episode #28~ Fox at the Hen House!!!
Phew! Talk about sweat'n!Blind Hog and Acorn got a new project put to the top of the list- seems a vixen has been responsible, at least partially, in the decreasing number of laying hens. A new chicken yard is to be erected ...
Season 5
Episode 28
Season 5, Episode #27~ Acorn Almost Falls Out...
Busy week at the farm... Acorn fighting deer, Blind Hog on the mower... Both farmers dealing with "natural selection" when it comes to goat kids.Sam killt a groundhog and made himself very happy. A 13 pounder! Bl...
Season 5
Episode 27
Season 5, Episode #26~ 2024 is Half Done...
Blind Hog and Acorn have been hot hot hot- working a bit outside them coming back in. Sam decided that he likes being an indoor dog, well- unless he is hungry and wants a baby bunny... ugh.Garden is starting to produce the p...
Season 5
Episode 26
Season 5, Episode #25~ Blueberry Pickin'...
Blind Hog and Acorm welcomed Midsommar by picking blueberries at a local farm. 90 min for the two of them to fill their buckets, 13 lbs total. Not bad for $30.Beef is what has been for lunch... NY strips and an arm roast.&nb...
Season 5
Episode 25
Season 5, Episode #24~ Home Again, Home Again...
Acorn is back to the farm after fun fun fun in Texas... ALL the funs!Blind Hog figures he will soon need a white cane as he navigates the fields while afoot. He and Sam commiserated while Acorn was partying it up.Mo...
Season 5
Episode 24
Season 5, Episode #23~ Texas Preparations...
Been a busy week on the farm as Acorn prepares to leave Blind Hog alone with Sam... "Will they survive or will Acorn return to find the two just withered away???"Mechanical troubles raising their ugly heads... Good news ...
Season 5
Episode 23
Season 5, Episode #22~ Floods...
Damn near 5 inches in 12 hrs or less... Needless to say that Blind Hog's most perfect driveway grading this week got washed out down to the uneven bedrock.Blind Hog and Acorn recorded the podcast en route to Sam's Club for a 225' ...
Season 5
Episode 22
Season 5, Episode #21~Memorial Day Weekend...
"Official" start of summer, so Acorn told the cats they had to hand out under th3 carport, where they USED to hang out until they figured out how to go in and out of the dog door. Speaking of which, the door has been boarded up until it b...
Season 5
Episode 21
Season 5, Episode #20~ Mowin'...
Blind Hog hooked up the brush hog and went at the pastures... they all need clipping...Acorn had funs with the string trimmer before "graduating" to the zero-turn mower... Comical, to say the least...Hummingbirds have thei...
Season 5
Episode 20
Season 5, Episode #19~ Northern Exposure
The aurora found the farm! And, AND- it may find Blind Hog and Acorn again tonight as NOAA issued a G5 solar warning, G5 being "extreme."Blind Hog and Acorn learned about the workings of "vinyl replacement window companies..."...
Season 5
Episode 19
Season 5, Episode #18~ The First Shall Be Last, and the Last Shall Be First...
The time came for out last two Dexter cattle to be sent to the butcher. We did arrange for "on farm kill" for Mr Tasty the steer (the last calf born on the farm) and our good old Calpurnia (one of the first calves who ar...
Season 5
Episode 18
Season 5, Episode #17~ RAIIIIIINNNNNN!!!!!
Yes indeedy- rain is falling on the farm. Blind Hog and Acorn got yard chores done earlier in the week and have a bona fide excuse to sit on their rumps and catch up on reading, English Premier League football, baking- all the usual thing...
Season 5
Episode 17
Season 5, Episode #16~ The Dude Abides...
Blind Hog and Acorn said goodbye to Skittles the macaw this week- the houseguest went back home. In fact, the neighbors sent pictures- they have cleared the location of the house, pushed all the remains in a pile and will haul the metal t...
Season 5
Episode 16
Season 5, Episode #15~ Warning! Loud Outbursts!
Warning! There is a VER LOUD houseguest at the farm...What a week... Eclipse, asparagus, quads, and our neighbor's housefire capped things off. I just cannot imagine their loss.While they get themselves straigh...
Season 5
Episode 15