Blind Hog and Acorn
Come visit the farm with Blind Hog and Acorn and hear stories about life on the farm, livestock, cooking, gardening and living in the Ozarks. In the middle of freakin' nowhere...
239 episodes
Season #6, Episode #9~ Kidding, Round #2...
Blind Hog has a cold... Or the flu... Not sure, but it ain't Covid. Had a low temp of 100.2°F today, coughing, drainage, overall malaise... Acorn has a scratchy throat but thinks it is elm pollen......
Season 6
Episode 9

Season 6, Episode #8~ Snow is Melting!
Blind Hog and Acorn survived the record lows as well as the snow. Thankfully the 12-16" threatened were just that- a threat. 4" was plenty.Barns are being prepared for the next round of kidding. Pantry items ...
Season 6
Episode 8

Season 6, Episode #7~ Snow's a'comin...
Blind Hog helped neighbor set out hay bales at noon while Acorn cleaned house like a whirling Dervish. Getting all kinds of chores done before Tuesday's expected snowfall.Great Weekend Bird Count is on- Acorn spotted 14 speci...
Season 6
Episode 7

Season 6, Episode #6~ Superb Owl Weekend...
Another cleaning of the dairy barn, having funs with sourdoughs, getting ready for another Icy Blast of Winter. The fun never ends...Acorn bought a 50 lb bag of hard red winter wheat to grind for flour. Little Red He...
Season 6
Episode 6

Season 6, Episode #6~ Happy New Year!
Chinese New Year, the Wood Snake. Wheeeee! Dragon has been replaced with Snake, and so the New Year begins.Weather most temperate, Super Bowl teams set.Fodder experiment has mixed results- geese given the first tray and they...
Season 6
Episode 5

Season 6, Episode #4~Warming Up and Kidding Break...
Blind Hog and Acorn have thawed out, round one of kidding is completed, and it actually got into the 50's... Who knew?January Resolutions have been upheld for the first 3 weeks- amaze! Will this be the year of better health ...
Season 6
Episode 4

Season 6, Episode #3~Another Cold Snap...
Time for second winter. Preparations made for a sub-zero front and Blind Hog and Acorn are ready to hunker in. Livestock and pets all taken care of, now to see if "that one goat" can hold off kidding until Thursday, if she ...
Season 6
Episode 3

Season 6, Episode #2~Snow Day
Six inches of the white stuff has covered SteelMeadow Farm. Is very fluffy, with just a bit of ice on the ground underneath. Doubt it will stick around long and actually the geese and goats would prefer it go ahead and melt on off.<...
Season 6
Episode 2

Season 6, Episode #1~Storm Prep for the New Year...
Blind Hog and Acorn about have chores done before the "winter event" arrives tonight. Goat barns prepped, goosey hut covered and fluffed with clean pine shavings.Fingers crossed the ice stays to the north.Acorn found out w...
Season 6
Episode 1

Season 5, Episode #51~ Out with the Old...
Blind Hog and Acorn had a very quiet Christmas since the kiddos were doing their own visitations. Acorn cooked up a delicious rib roast with veggies underneath, baked up some Yorkshire puddings with all but leapt out of their pan. Totally...
Season 5
Episode 51

Season 5, Episode #50~ A Few Nights Before Christmas, and All on the Farm...
Kidding Round One has wrapped up, just one more to go but not for a couple more weeks. #450 finally had her twins the other evening- luckily the baby monitor picked up the kids squealing as she birthed them in radio silence.Put ha...

Season 5, Episode #49~ Kids A-Poppin'
Seven kids on the ground, but we lost one due to being squashed at 4 days old by its nanny. Is not the first time, not will it be the last.Along with kidding going on, new solar lights installed on the goat sheds, outside the old ...
Season 5
Episode 49

Season 5, Episode #48~ Kidding Begins!
Busy enough week for Blind Hog and Acorn... Oil change, appointments, errands, trip to KC and coming home with a new gander to be the mate of Miss Priss. Blind Hog said it made Acorn sound a bit like a matchmaker... Goosey matchmake...
Season 5
Episode 48

Season 5, Episode #47~ Battery Replacement, Other Chores and Thanksgiving Feast
Blind Hog and Acorn had a delicious feast with the kiddos at the Springfield House. The farmers had their fill, ,visited a while, then made it back to the farm at dark to do chores.Speaking of chores- the Mahidra got a new battery...
Season 5
Episode 47

Season 5, Episode# 46~ Fan Mail...
Chores getting done while the weather is nice. Blind Hog set in a drainline to go under the drive to the hay barn. Much needed little project there. Acorn has been busy in the garden pulling out dead plants and mulching.
Season 5
Episode 46

Season 5, Episode #45~ Blind Hog has His Birthday, More Chores Done...
Indeed, Blind Hog has made it to 83... Lots of chocolate cake was involved.Major chores completed on the farm- both goat barns all cleaned, powdered and hay laid on the floor. Miss Massey's distributor woes now a di...
Season 5
Episode 45

Season 5, Episode #44~ Blind Hog has a Day Off...
In light of an upcoming birthday, Blind Hog has spent today pretty much watching soccer... Premier League as well as cheering on Kansas City's Women's' team, who handily beat North Carolina to advance to the semi finals.Electrical...
Season 5
Episode 44

Season 5, Episode #43~ Waiting for Godot...
Big chores getting done on the farm and just "mildly" interrupted when Blind Hog had "an episode" that is still undiagnosed... Was it an especially brutal round of A-Fib that he usually walks around with, or an inner ear thing??? Ho...
Season 5
Episode 43

Season5, Episode #42~ Yay for Capuchin!
Tractor Joy turned to Tractor Woe, then back to Joy... Acorn fixed the ignition/firing issue and the Massey Ferguson is running well. Now if she can just figure out the house wifi... Need to find a way to "bundle" clients and ...
Season 5
Episode 42

Season 5, Episode #41~ Education and Educators...
Acorn went to a 3 day conference up at Lincoln University, based on helping mentors in small ruminants be better educators, and during that time ol' Frank Pinkerton died peacefully in his sleep. He will be missed. If we all can live...
Season 5
Episode 41

Season 5, Episode #40~ Taters and Walnuts...
Truckload of black walnuts taken to the hulling station- Blind Hog received $86... $12/100 lbs after hulling...Aurora once again visited the farm like it did in May- not quite so a dramatic show, but lovely nonetheless.
Season 5
Episode 40

Season 5,Episode #39~ Second Summer
Ugh- second summer is upon the farm... Temps in the 80's once again and drought.. Dry, dusty drought...Walnuts getting picked up from the yard- the bumper crop that keeps giving. Prices are down to $12/100 lbs "after" ...
Season 5
Episode 39

Season 56, Episode #38~ Fall is here...
The farm only received 0.11" of rain from Helene- just a wee fraction of what our friends and family to the east received.Grading blade pivot has been repaired and is fancy shmancy- Miss Massey is running like a top again!Acorn ...
Season 5
Episode 38

Season 5, Episode #37~ Back to Chores...
Just one week back and chores are being completed- from replacing a yard hydrant, getting the 6' blade fixed, cleaning up in the garden and snipping a fingertip- Blind Hog and Acorn have been busy!The box blade Blind Hog bought himself ...
Season 5
Episode 37

Season 5, Episode #36~ Ice Ice, Baby...
Blind Hog and Acorn are back from the 10 day trip to Iceland- what an adventure it was!Waterfalls, basalt columns, crazy wind and weather, lovely people. You can check out photos on the Blind Hog and Acorn website- just look under...
Season 5
Episode 36