Blind Hog and Acorn

Season #6, Episode #9~ Kidding, Round #2...

Blind Hog and Acorn Season 6 Episode 9

Blind Hog has a cold...  Or the flu...  Not sure, but it ain't Covid.  Had a low temp of 100.2°F today, coughing, drainage, overall malaise...  Acorn has a scratchy throat but thinks it is elm pollen...

Five nannies kidded, seven more to go.  Had a set of triplets along with a pair of twins yesterday- one of the twins having a malformed snout.  Most peculiar.  Is it a genetic issue, or teratogen issue from the toxin in poison hemlock (which is everywhere around us).  Hard to say.  If it happens again to a kid from a particular sire, my finger will point to the buck.

Nice weather at least.  Bee hives had a cursory look-see.  Tomatoes finally got processed from the freezer. Yay!