Blind Hog and Acorn
Come visit the farm with Blind Hog and Acorn and hear stories about life on the farm, livestock, cooking, gardening and living in the Ozarks. In the middle of freakin' nowhere...
Blind Hog and Acorn
Season 6, Episode #7~ Snow's a'comin...
Blind Hog and Acorn
Season 6
Episode 7
Blind Hog helped neighbor set out hay bales at noon while Acorn cleaned house like a whirling Dervish. Getting all kinds of chores done before Tuesday's expected snowfall.
Great Weekend Bird Count is on- Acorn spotted 14 species in 15 minutes, with appx numbers for each. LOTS of finches...
Super Bowl brought sadness of the farmers... Ahhhh well, guess there is a reason that there are no three-peats... Acorn found solace by doing the taxes and sending them off.
Sourdough madness continues. Today was sourdough corn muffins. Went well with the dried lima bean soup.