Blind Hog and Acorn
Come visit the farm with Blind Hog and Acorn and hear stories about life on the farm, livestock, cooking, gardening and living in the Ozarks. In the middle of freakin' nowhere...
Blind Hog and Acorn
Season #6, Episode #9~ Kidding, Round #2...
Blind Hog has a cold... Or the flu... Not sure, but it ain't Covid. Had a low temp of 100.2°F today, coughing, drainage, overall malaise... Acorn has a scratchy throat but thinks it is elm pollen...
Five nannies kidded, seven more to go. Had a set of triplets along with a pair of twins yesterday- one of the twins having a malformed snout. Most peculiar. Is it a genetic issue, or teratogen issue from the toxin in poison hemlock (which is everywhere around us). Hard to say. If it happens again to a kid from a particular sire, my finger will point to the buck.
Nice weather at least. Bee hives had a cursory look-see. Tomatoes finally got processed from the freezer. Yay!