Blind Hog and Acorn

Season 2, Episode #46~ Blind Hog has a Birthday, Acorn has a Cold...

Blind Hog and the Acorn Season 2 Episode 46

A very busy week on the farm and nothing will stop the busy farmers...  Not even sinus colds or 80th birthdays...

Blind Hog has the deed done; electric is in the conduit and in the nice trench, already hooked up to the main power box as well as the new breaker box in the old goat barn.  Acorn has been a snotty thing, but has also been quite busy.  Almost 40 new trees planted all around the yard- long leaf pine, Norway spruce, witch hazels and bald cypress.

Now to fill in the trench, complete the transition from 110V power supple to 220V but the farmers can do it.  Gallons of chicken soup, full of "vit-ah-minns" and loaded with garlic, jalapenos and everything else from the fridge have been consumed and Acorn stewed those two roosters today- more soup to be made for tomorrow!