Blind Hog and Acorn
Come visit the farm with Blind Hog and Acorn and hear stories about life on the farm, livestock, cooking, gardening and living in the Ozarks. In the middle of freakin' nowhere...
Blind Hog and Acorn
Season 5, Episode #45~ Blind Hog has His Birthday, More Chores Done...
Blind Hog and Acorn
Season 5
Episode 45
Indeed, Blind Hog has made it to 83... Lots of chocolate cake was involved.
Major chores completed on the farm- both goat barns all cleaned, powdered and hay laid on the floor. Miss Massey's distributor woes now a distant bad memory- all is peachy with her! Driveway repaired from the last flash flood. South roof "rescrewing" completed.
Now to get into the garden and a few more piddly things