Blind Hog and Acorn

Season 5, Episode #27~ Acorn Almost Falls Out...

Blind Hog and Acorn Season 5 Episode 27

Busy week at the farm...  Acorn fighting deer, Blind Hog on the mower...  Both farmers dealing with "natural selection" when it comes to goat kids.

Sam killt a groundhog and made himself very happy.  A 13 pounder!  Blind Hog was able to retrieve "the body" before Sam tucked in.  That dog will eviscerate a groundhog and leave nothing but a pelt with paws...

New battery pushmower with a bonus battery! Chest freezer replacement!

Acorn got overheated out doing the garden fencing but sitting down for an hour under a fan did a world of good.  Not going to do much more today, that is for sure!

Wil be interesting to see of the 7 joule fence will thwart Bambi and Faline.  Fingers crossed!