Blind Hog and Acorn

Season 5, Episode #14~ 18th Anniversary

April 07, 2024 Blind Hog and Acorn Season 5 Episode 14

Yup- 18 years ago Blind Hog, Acorn and the Badger, along with all the stuffs/animals/pickups/trailers- began the two day drive to Missouri...

Monday is Eclipse Day...  So exciting.  The farm should see 99.4% totality.

Lil' honkers hatching but not without issues...  Blind Hog had issues with his laptop...  Acorn is still pissed at the deer but went out and strung electric twine 7 feet up around the garden...  It can be electrified if needed.  Morels are being shy- only found a few and they were small.

Kidding season is winding down.  Milking is ramping up.  Quarts of skyr are refilling the freezer.  All in all, business as usual on the farm...