Blind Hog and Acorn

Season 5, Episode #9~Scrap Metal Dozens of Dollars...

Blind Hog and Acorn Season 5 Episode 9

After the purge came the big payout...  686 lbs of scrap metal to the recycler, all for $76...  Like selling a truckload of black walnuts to the hulling station...  Actually, walnuts bring a few more pennies per pound...

Workshop cleared, hay set out, goats sorted-tagged-vaxxed, fuel filter replaced on the Tracker.  Now Acorn has to see about changing the distributor. Fun fun...  Then to the Big City for more recycling, errands, Blind Hog's annual echo test and more errands...

Cold weather plants have been repotted- all good there.  Eggs in the incubator doing well- the others were candled and one dud egg found.  10 eggs currently out with the geese- they continue to lay, except for Alpha.  Not sure what is up with her...

Acorn watched a webinar on native plant landscaping- VERY interesting...  You can start one any time of the year!

Pizza has been made- doubled the recipe and have some for now, some for later.