Blind Hog and Acorn

Season 5, Episode #8~ The Great Purge

February 25, 2024 Blind Hog and Acorn Season 5 Episode 8

Acorn is going to town cleaning the workshop; or as Frank calls, it our "plunder room..."  Like Texas has pirates?  Plunder?  Arrrrrrrrrr!

A good week of work on the farm overall.  Bookkeeping done, doctor appts all good, farm animals doing well and Blind Hog is bringing home nice dead oak logs from our next door neighbor. Cutting ands splitting all those will keep him busy!

Bees have been checked and moved, a bit. Both hives survived the winter and the farmers did not feed them.

Received the new baby monitor cameras and base unit- working like a champ! Under $90 so that is even better.

Tomorrow will be more cleaning of the workshop, should be warm enough so Acorn can roll up the big door. Hot damn!

Sam even caught himself a big old groundhog. Happiness everywhere!