Blind Hog and Acorn
Come visit the farm with Blind Hog and Acorn and hear stories about life on the farm, livestock, cooking, gardening and living in the Ozarks. In the middle of freakin' nowhere...
Blind Hog and Acorn
Season 4, Episode #36~ Field Trip Day Off the Farm!
Blind Hog and Acorn got up WAY before the crack of dawn and drove to Jeff City to attend a Parasite Management in Small Ruminants seminar, hosted by Lincoln University. Acorn thought, "might as well- it is free" and danged if she did not learn something new.
After lectures and hands-on with sheeps (checking the color of their eyelids) it was time to have fun with manure pellets and microscopes! The program host made sure we all were instructed to "wash your hands when you are done with the microscopes and before you eat..." LOL...
Flu shots received for 2023... Knocked Acorn on her ass for a couple days but she rebounded strongly. Sadly, fixing the Massey Ferguson is still out of her grasp. Blind Hog has been clipping the fields and paddocks with the big Baby Elephant (the Mahindra 55)... Hey, it works just fine but does leave quite the footprint in the fields.