Blind Hog and Acorn
Come visit the farm with Blind Hog and Acorn and hear stories about life on the farm, livestock, cooking, gardening and living in the Ozarks. In the middle of freakin' nowhere...
Blind Hog and Acorn
Season 3, Episode #43~ Cows are Moved!
Took some finesse but the calves thought they would be tricksie and came home with the goats last Sunday- Acorn quickly closed a gate behind them, got them separated into the round pen and cheered! Let the weaning begin! Calpurnia, Lulu and Pi shuffled on down and over the next day. After 5 days with no ill effects, the buyers for SteelMeadow's Piper, the last heifer, was loaded into a trailer to join her half sister and 30 other head of Irish Dexters outside Kansas City.
Now Blind Hog and Acorn can focus on goats and kidding to begin- looking at behaviors, one or two are beginning to "mumble..." Talking to kids in utero...
Yet more exciting futbol on the telly, weather has also been mild. Finally got a good soaking rain. For the first time all summer the dry creek has water flowing and the dredging by the county is working a treat! No flooding up in the road!
Influenza is really hitting the Ozarks hard- neighbor's son is in the ICU, folks all around are feeling/getting sick. Get yer jabs, people... Not too late!