Blind Hog and Acorn

Season 5, Episode #18~ The First Shall Be Last, and the Last Shall Be First...

Blind Hog and Acorn Season 5 Episode 18

The time came for out last two Dexter cattle to be sent to the butcher.  We did arrange for "on farm kill" for Mr Tasty the steer (the last calf born on the farm) and our good old Calpurnia (one of the first calves who arrived at the farm).  Will not get into all the arguments  defending the decision to "eat a family member" but I will say this, she had a goodly bit of fat cover, had not run around in years, and to just bury her would have been such a waste.

Mr Tasty on the other hand was as fine a specimen of hanging beef as you could hope for.  These two will feed our family for a good couple of years or more.

Otherwise, the garden is getting planted, geese have decided to sit on their nests,  and amazingly Acorn also broke a 28 year record of avoiding hair salons and yes- PAID for a haircut... This bit was not discussed in the podcast.

Blind Hog is getting the lawn mowed before the rains set in.  Acorn just adjusted the carb on the Massey Ferguson and yes, it is running- even drove it around a little bit!  Fingers crossed...